Alcohol consumption in women has been associated with decreased fertility and decreased chance of conception. In a study taken from the Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology Journal (Dec, 2015), involving 7393 women over an 18 year period, the women who were high consumers of alcohol were shown to have given birth significantly fewer times compared to women who were moderate alcohol consumers. In 1998, another study observed that, women who consume more than seven alcoholic drinks per week were shown to take a significantly longer time to become pregnant compared with those who consume less alcohol per week.
Male fertility is also affected by consumption of alcohol and a recent study demonstrated that infertile men classified as daily drinkers, have significantly inferior semen quality compared to occasional drinkers.
Overall, drinking alcohol affects both female and male partner. In fact, according to leading women’s health nutritional therapist Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD drinking any alcohol at all can reduce your fertility by half and the more you drink, the less likely you are to conceive.
It might not be easy at first but if you really want to conceive and make your body baby friendly, it is recommended to eliminate alcohol and give yourself the best chance you can.